
Several years ago I did a short-lived series on another blog on various herbs and their uses.  There are plenty of sites out there that tell us all about their medicinal uses and plenty out there that talk about their correspondences.  I thought perhaps I could share some of the ways I’ve used particular herbs in my magickal practice.  I welcome anyone that wants to post here and share ways that you’ve used some of these herbs.

Today I chose mugwort to talk about.  It could be because I have had the distinct experience of having an over abundance of it for a while.  I had ordered it in bulk to be used at an event that ended up not happening so I had more than my fair share of it.  I’ve given it away to other witches for use in their practice and it’s kind of become a running joke.  I started looking for creative ways to use it. 

I’m always amazed at how versatile this herb can be.  I once heard someone call herbs that can be used for many different purposes void herbs.  I really could not get my mind around that.  The word void brings up a vision of an herb that is just filler and not an herb that has so many great powers to call on.  Mugwort is one of those herbs that can be used for many different purposes depending on what your needs are.  That, in my opinion makes it a powerful herb, not a void herb. 

I’ll start with a favorite of mine.  I have always loved a good cup of chamomile tea.  My husband turns his nose up at the smell of it but even he admits that after a cup of chamomile tea I’m so relaxed I’m practically purring like my cat.  I used to drink chamomile just to relax a little at the end of the day.  Last year I began having some insomnia and found that having a cup of chamomile and mugwort tea helped me get to sleep easily.  It has the added benefit of helping me with some digestion problems I started having around the same time.  (can anyone say stress?)  After reading about how bitter mugwort tea would be I tried it by itself to judge for myself.  I really didn’t find it bad at all.  I do like it better with the chamomile. 

Other medicinal uses for mugwort are to treat stomach ailments such as indigestion, constipation and bloating, worms and intestinal parasites as well as a treatment for gout, nervousness, colds, asthma and depression. 

A warning should be made that pregnant women should not take mugwort and as with any holistic treatments, please consult a physician as your symptoms may be indicative of something serious. 

Now, on to some magickal uses for this versatile herb. 

Stimulate dream intensity:  You can drink the tea made from it or try putting it in a dream pillow and cuddle up to it when sleeping.  It has an earthy herbal scent so you might want to add something like lavender to the mix to give you a sweeter scent and the scent of lavender is good for sleeping as well.

Energetic clearing:  Burn dried mugwort to clear a space of negative energies. 

Astral travel:  Place a bundle of dried mugwort under your pillow to assist with astral travel.

Dispel nightmares:  A bundle of dried mugwort under your pillow can help you dispel nightmares.

Scrying:  Drink some mugwort tea before scrying.  It can help open your psychic channels.  Clean your scrying tools in an infusion of mugwort.  Sprinkle some mugwort on the table where you are doing a reading or fill a small pillow with mugwort to rest your crystal ball on.  I keep a bit of mugwort in the box where I keep my crystal ball, tarot cards, pendulum, scrying mirror and other divination tools.
Protection:  Mugwort has been used to protect against demons, wild beasts, poison and sunstroke.  In China, mugwort has been hung around the home in bundles to keep away evil spirits.  In Japan, mugwort has been burned to remove evil spirits of disease.  An incense including mugwort can be burned to protect the home. An amulet or mojo bag stuffed with mugwort is said to protect the traveler from misfortune.
Mugwort is quite a commonly used and powerful plant, and an essential component of any Witches herb cabinet.  It is a versatile and powerful herb that has a multitude of uses.  I would love to hear different ways you use mugwort.

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